Re: Document Builder - Saving with different names
Hey @Erica Cole Generally I create a column specifically for the name of the document because it only accepts one value and write in a formula to pull in different information into that column.2 · -
Re: #invalid Datatype Error
I think it's the MONTH(@cell) and YEAR(@cell). Try exchanging it for VALUE(LEFT(@cell,2)) and VALUE(RIGHT(@cell,2)). Might fix it for now but it caps at 100 years which depending on your view point c…1 · -
Re: Count distinct values using Month, Year from another sheet
Hey @Justin Mauzy, For whatever reason COLLECT with MONTH(@cell) and YEAR(@cell) has some bugs so instead I used VALUE combined with LEFT and RIGHT. =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT(Zone:Zone, [Service Date]:…1 · -
Re: Trying to match values from different sheets
Hey @Kyle Cannella This formula will work as long as all the Machine Names are unique. =INDEX({Ref 1: Department Name Column},MATCH([Machine Name]@row,{Ref 2: Machine Name Column}))1 · -
Re: Find Latest Date for With a criteria in rows
Hey @Carloscmatos, Try this formula: =MAX(COLLECT({Ref 1:Date:Date}, {Ref 2:Customer:Customer}, [Customer]@row))1 ·